Saturday, July 11, 2009

so close... i can taste it...

for those of you who have been keeping count: there are only 12 days until graduation!!! lets review the exciting things that have been done in preparation for this event:
1. graduation application submitted
..... and accepted!
2. announcements ordered, addressed, stuffed, sealed, stamped, and sent
3. tassel, cap and gown picked up (gown still needs to be ironed though!!)

A short list, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. The list of things to do is too long and mundane to post. It includes horrible things like research papers and puppet choreography. In fact these painful assignments are the reason I am even awake before noon on a Saturday! Saturday mornings are a myth similar to Santa Claus that we invent as teenagers. That little "am" sign on my alarm clock just looks so unnatural on a Saturday!

Then next week and a half are filled above the brim and its going to take all my energy not to keep treading and not to drown in the tasks. Its still surreal to me that I'm actually graduating from college. I'm not sure why this diploma only appeared to be real in dreams and fantasy worlds.

Hopefully I'll survive to post again!