Sunday, July 19, 2009

sexy paper

Everyone has different things they find attractive. There are different characteristic in other people that seem to draws us into their presence. But each person is drawn to slightly differently things. Generally speaking, the top two characteristics men value in women are: physical looks and the woman’s ability to be domestic. On the other side of that, the top two characteristic women value in men are: intelligence and the man’s ability to be a provider.
Everyone has their list of “must haves” that they are looking for in a mate. Mine include things like: a job, a car, a house not attached to his parents’. He must be taller than me with when I wear my tallest shoes, under no circumstances can he be a Red Sox fan, and he must have the ability to unplug himself once in a while. This last one may be the most important. In the techie world we live in today, communication is less personal and often requires several different technologies at the same time. I may get a text to my phone while at my computer, so I respond through an email, then I am replied to via Facebook, at which point I return with a voice mail. Its all very exhausting. Whatever happened to paper letters?
Sure they may take longer for replies to be recieved. But there is a sense of anticipation that one gets while waiting. Once upon a time, people used to really take pride in their paper products. One didn’t just write a note and stuff it in the mail box. Time was taken in selecting the appropriate type of card in which to write the note. Do I use my personalized, informal, teal notes? Do I use the thick, formal, correspondence card? Or is this the occasion where a greeting card needs to be selected? People used to think paper was sexy!
I am one of those surviving few with an attraction to stylish paper products. Maybe, its not so much of an attraction anymore as it is an addiction. There are several influences I have to blame for this addiction. The first is my mother (as all good addictions are to blamed on mothers in a cliché way, why should this be any different), who was raised in upper class New Jersey. I also blame the job I started when I was 16 years old… I worked in a stationery store. Very early in this “career”, I learned to crave the very best, Crane’s, William Arthur, Vera Wang, Kate Spade! I compulsively spent my paycheck on the latest and greatest cards and notes. There is just something about the way a sheet of white linen paper feels in your hand that makes the world seem a little bit brighter.