Monday, August 3, 2009

life away from "the burg"

Clearly I'm not cut out for this whole blogging business. In all honesty, I kind of consider blogging an excuse to talk to myself; I don't really want to admit to any kind of insanity. While I was in school it was a nice escape from homework. I have friends and family who use their blog to update other loved ones from a distance. My blog has not yet reached that status. Either my network of friends is still too physically close to me or I am still too personal in my communications with others!!! Ha! Regardless of the reason, a few significant things have happened since my last post....
The mix of emotions is heavily out numbered with relief and satisfaction. Though I will miss many of people and I'm saddened at the thought that I may neve see some of them again. I'm anxious and optimistic to see what the world has in store for me.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

sexy paper

Everyone has different things they find attractive. There are different characteristic in other people that seem to draws us into their presence. But each person is drawn to slightly differently things. Generally speaking, the top two characteristics men value in women are: physical looks and the woman’s ability to be domestic. On the other side of that, the top two characteristic women value in men are: intelligence and the man’s ability to be a provider.
Everyone has their list of “must haves” that they are looking for in a mate. Mine include things like: a job, a car, a house not attached to his parents’. He must be taller than me with when I wear my tallest shoes, under no circumstances can he be a Red Sox fan, and he must have the ability to unplug himself once in a while. This last one may be the most important. In the techie world we live in today, communication is less personal and often requires several different technologies at the same time. I may get a text to my phone while at my computer, so I respond through an email, then I am replied to via Facebook, at which point I return with a voice mail. Its all very exhausting. Whatever happened to paper letters?
Sure they may take longer for replies to be recieved. But there is a sense of anticipation that one gets while waiting. Once upon a time, people used to really take pride in their paper products. One didn’t just write a note and stuff it in the mail box. Time was taken in selecting the appropriate type of card in which to write the note. Do I use my personalized, informal, teal notes? Do I use the thick, formal, correspondence card? Or is this the occasion where a greeting card needs to be selected? People used to think paper was sexy!
I am one of those surviving few with an attraction to stylish paper products. Maybe, its not so much of an attraction anymore as it is an addiction. There are several influences I have to blame for this addiction. The first is my mother (as all good addictions are to blamed on mothers in a cliché way, why should this be any different), who was raised in upper class New Jersey. I also blame the job I started when I was 16 years old… I worked in a stationery store. Very early in this “career”, I learned to crave the very best, Crane’s, William Arthur, Vera Wang, Kate Spade! I compulsively spent my paycheck on the latest and greatest cards and notes. There is just something about the way a sheet of white linen paper feels in your hand that makes the world seem a little bit brighter.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

so close... i can taste it...

for those of you who have been keeping count: there are only 12 days until graduation!!! lets review the exciting things that have been done in preparation for this event:
1. graduation application submitted
..... and accepted!
2. announcements ordered, addressed, stuffed, sealed, stamped, and sent
3. tassel, cap and gown picked up (gown still needs to be ironed though!!)

A short list, but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. The list of things to do is too long and mundane to post. It includes horrible things like research papers and puppet choreography. In fact these painful assignments are the reason I am even awake before noon on a Saturday! Saturday mornings are a myth similar to Santa Claus that we invent as teenagers. That little "am" sign on my alarm clock just looks so unnatural on a Saturday!

Then next week and a half are filled above the brim and its going to take all my energy not to keep treading and not to drown in the tasks. Its still surreal to me that I'm actually graduating from college. I'm not sure why this diploma only appeared to be real in dreams and fantasy worlds.

Hopefully I'll survive to post again!

Monday, June 22, 2009

a much needed update

It's been a while since my last post... Sorry!!! Here's what's been going on in my life.... School!! Ha! Sadly that's all I seem to do anymore. On the rare occasion that I'm not doing homework of some kind I'm doing 1 of 3 things: eating, sleeping, or planning on what to do next!!!
The good news is that graduation is only 30 short days away... I can honestly tell you that something major is due everyday from now to then. Presentations, papers, choreography, tests... you name it! Overloaded and overwhelmed to say the least. The last 4 years of my life may have actually prepared me for this amount of stress. Weird. I suppose I just need to keep my fingers crossed that all of this will prepare me for the future.... Maybe you should cross your fingers too (just in case)!!!!!
I know that college has be an experience worth my time... A million times more fun and memorable than high school... But it would be a lie if I said I wasn't ready to be done.... One more moment of school may kill me!!
Hopefully more posts of more interest to follow!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

the light at the end of the tunnel...

Life is crazy... Well technically life for me hasn't really started yet!!! I have 2 months left of school and I'm so thrilled to get something out of 4 years of work and play!!! After that I get to jump into the real world and face this thing called life head on... I'm terrified!! Ha!
School is hard, but it's always been hard, and right now it's the last thing on my mind. I am constantly asked what my plans are after graduation, I typically give some big long detailed schpeal which breaks down to a whole lot of nothing! That's the sad truth: I don't have a plan. I guess my plan is to move out of Rexburg then regroup and think of a new plan!!! There are oodles of options though.... Work, grad school, relationships and such are filled with opportunities just waiting for me to choose. I keep trying to avoid making these choices. At present time I am able to stay calm with my distractions. But the greater part of my mind is kicking me to get off my butt, stop playing sudoku and start my real life!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

writer's block

a few weeks ago, in my hardest class, dance teaching techniques, my professor told us that are final projects were going to be due early. at first, i felt annoyed and rushed, but then i realized that after it was done, the final week and a half of school would be cake! the next two days after this announcement my remaining classes had almost identical announcements! and, my dance teaching tech. professor decided to give us a final paper and exam on top of our projects. why is it necessary for me to have finals almost two weeks early???? i'm convinced its a conspiracy against me! hahah.... but then again, it seems i'm always convinced the world is out to get me somehow! haha!
so my dance project is finished, i present tomorrow, and i should be witting my paper, because i'm only on page three of the required eight. but i can't seem to create enough filler bullshit to get my point across. i'm not a writer, and so writer's block comes very easily to me. i also just assume that every knows exactly what i'm talking about. i wish i could just have a discussion about my paper instead of actually having to write it!!!! i may go insane writing about my dance teaching philosophy... BAH!
funny that i can always write a long post about almost nothing, but i can't seem to write my paper about my passion! i'm secretly hoping that blogging may unlock something deep in my brain and allow me to get this stupid thing done! yeah... i doubt it too! ha!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

lent... and more of life...

SOOOO.... my friend meredith and i decided to go on an adventure for lent. if you have no idea what i'm talking about... wiki it! or just rent the movie "40 days and 40 nights" with josh hartnet. basically during lent, you choose to give up something (usually a vice) for 40 days, starting on ash wednesday (this past wednesday) and it ends on easter sunday. that's more or less why mardi gras is such a huge party day, because its the day before lent starts! in the movie, josh (yes we're on a first name basis) gives up sex... well meredith and i are only giving up facebook! it should be a huge adventure! we had other people change our passwords and everything. i'm already missing it. which goes to show that this is really something i needed to do. i clearly spend too much time on facebook for my own good. i'm hoping that i'll be much more productive and maybe even more adventurous... i'll certainly be blogging more to sort of replace the void facebook has left in my life! wow! that makes me sound so lame.... freaking facebook left a void... yeah... this is most definitely for the better!!!!!
moving on to other adventures...
i registered for my last 4 college classes only moments ago, and i could not be more thrilled to truly see the end. i'm not sure why, but i just feel more free. i still don't have a plan for my life after graduation (which of course scares me), but i'm starting to be okay with that. i know that i have options, and time. i also know that time will continue to fly, so its a good thing i'm a goal oriented person... all i really need is a good idea and i could be set.
life as thrown me some interesting curve balls lately, but i think i'm starting to get the hang of this batting thing! i'm done with all this stress caused by things i can't control. it really takes the fun out of life! i've taken my deep breath, i've counted to ten... i'm ready to start living my life again!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bring on the leotard and tights!!

yes... its that special time of year... time to start wearing leotards and tights under every outfit, time to only pretend like i have a life, time for school to start again! this term is a strange one for me. i'm officially in the "home stretch" of my bachelors program. the end is near... only something like 197 days left (but i'm not counting!). the graduation application has been submitted and approved pending i pass my remaining 24 credits between now and july 23. the strange part is that i now have to start planing my life... and like i've mentioned earlier... i'm not ready to do that!!! also, i'm realizing that there are so many more factors in this life decision then i ever thought. its so overwhelming!!!