Sunday, March 1, 2009

lent... and more of life...

SOOOO.... my friend meredith and i decided to go on an adventure for lent. if you have no idea what i'm talking about... wiki it! or just rent the movie "40 days and 40 nights" with josh hartnet. basically during lent, you choose to give up something (usually a vice) for 40 days, starting on ash wednesday (this past wednesday) and it ends on easter sunday. that's more or less why mardi gras is such a huge party day, because its the day before lent starts! in the movie, josh (yes we're on a first name basis) gives up sex... well meredith and i are only giving up facebook! it should be a huge adventure! we had other people change our passwords and everything. i'm already missing it. which goes to show that this is really something i needed to do. i clearly spend too much time on facebook for my own good. i'm hoping that i'll be much more productive and maybe even more adventurous... i'll certainly be blogging more to sort of replace the void facebook has left in my life! wow! that makes me sound so lame.... freaking facebook left a void... yeah... this is most definitely for the better!!!!!
moving on to other adventures...
i registered for my last 4 college classes only moments ago, and i could not be more thrilled to truly see the end. i'm not sure why, but i just feel more free. i still don't have a plan for my life after graduation (which of course scares me), but i'm starting to be okay with that. i know that i have options, and time. i also know that time will continue to fly, so its a good thing i'm a goal oriented person... all i really need is a good idea and i could be set.
life as thrown me some interesting curve balls lately, but i think i'm starting to get the hang of this batting thing! i'm done with all this stress caused by things i can't control. it really takes the fun out of life! i've taken my deep breath, i've counted to ten... i'm ready to start living my life again!!!


Rob said...

Why did you not tell me you were giving up Facebook for Lent? Lol, this is a good thing though. Now our only mode of communication is via cell phone and email, which will prompt me to be better at life (aka, answering and calling you back). PS - I'm posting the pictures from SD tonight, so you can have evidence to share of your taming of the bull. Loves and hugs!

Camille said...

I agree with Rob. I am totally offended that you did not let me know of the lack of our facebook interaction for the next little while. I am however happy that you are starting to feel good about your future life. :) Rock on!

Amanda said...

hey erin, i found your blog through the theatre history class blog- its amanda kelley, i said i'd do the readers theatre piece with you for the final (i so hope you are the right person, its hard to tell from a little picture lol) but im not gonna make it to class today so if you want to email me it and whenever you are available to work on it that'd be great-

thanks! im excited to read it.