Monday, December 8, 2008

growing up... let's not and say we did!

the recent past has forced me to make some real decisions about my life... and in all honesty... i don't want to do any of it! whatever happened to the age where grown-ups were this alien idea? i always dreamed of who i'd be when i grew up... for some reason, "confused and starving college student" just wasn't something i saw!!!!
this week is finals week... the last week of the semester... the most stressful and stress relieving week known to man... the week that pizza sales quadruple... ; ) when this term is over i will be 28 short weeks of school away from graduation! that's less than 200 days left before society tells me i have to start my life!!!! where is never-never land when you really need it?!?!?! i have no idea what in the world i'm going to do with my life. and i don't even know how to begin solving this crisis...