Tuesday, November 18, 2008

insainity is a myth... i promise!

i've often thought of blogs as silly and useless... sometimes i think they are just a lame excuse to brag about life... and have you noticed that blogs totally promote internet creeping... a.k.a.... stalking!!! but i'm beginning to see the cleaver usefulness of these blogs... its totally an excuse to talk to yourself!! if i blogged every conversation i had with myself i would be the most frequent blogger ever.... people always tell me that "talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity" well i say "talking to yourself is just blogging without a computer!" haha!
so i'm sitting here... in my warm apartment in the ice box i live in called rexburg, idaho... sadly i am actually listening to christmas music, and i know its not even thanksgiving yet, so i apologize for my pre-holiday excitment. i just finished a paper that i wish to entitle "the bane of my existence" however i'm not sure my ballet instructor will appreciate that!
let me tell you about this paper for a moment... i had to write about a certain section of body (my teacher asked me to write about the hip), i was supposed to talk about the bones, muscles, ligaments, arteries, and nerves that are associated with this area. then i had to expand on how this specific section helps a ballet dancer in executing leaps, turns, plies, kicks, and other just adventures. now you must admit this is quite tedious, but maybe not torturous... however, i have a serious hip problem that prevents me from really succeeding in my dancing... hence my left hip as been dubbed "the bane of my existence." my instructor knows i constantly struggle with this hip problem and that is why she specifically asked me to write about the hip. the best part is while i opened my anatomy book (which is quickly move up the "bane of existence" list) and familiarized myself with each bone and muscle... i think each different bone and muscle ached while i read more about it... in fact just thinking of laterally rotating inside my hip joint in order to abduct my femur makes me cringe.
so anyway... i'm finally finished with said paper... and i've lost all motivation to do anything else productive, so naturally i began have a conversation (out loud, of course) with myself... this prompted me to log on and blog away! this in a way is saving my sanity... the more often i talk to myself the less often i talk to real people... haha! i still have plenty of energy and could be doing so much with my time... because lets face it... i have tons to do before i go home for thanksgiving.
while we're talking about thanksgiving, i just need to mention that i am so freaking excited beyond human description to go home!!! i get to see my family, i get to get the hell out of rexburg, and... i get to be with my man!!!!!! i remember in middle school, relationships really only ever took place on the weekends at the movies, yet you still saw the other person everyday (becasue they were in your class of course). then in high school you got to add lunch to the date time, and potential hang outs after school, but class schedules started to differ more... it seems as you get old the less you see your significant other, yet you crave them more. its been about a month since i last saw my man... and let me tell you... if i had to wait one more day i would probably loose all self control and murder some stranger or something. funny how people become so much more important to you too....